Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2012-2013 - Starting over! Starting strong!!!

On Sunday, October 14th we began a new season of Kids in Missions...something we have never done before which is start in the Fall! In doing this, it created a new challenge. We had no one return as an L.I.T. and on 1 person return as a 2nd Year student. We did get 16 new first year students. All of these kids arew excited about what lies ahead for 2012-2013! Classes have been taught in our 1st year by Jordan and Kaylee Harff as well as Jacob Mathai. Let the adventure in missions begin

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


On Saturday, October 6th, a team of 5 of us including myself, my son Jordan, my daughter Kaylee along with Jacob & Jeremy Mathai were invited to minister at a Chinese church in Hicksville, NY. It was an all day event from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Wow! What a great day of ministry. We played "Minute to Win It" type games, did drama and puppets and before you knew it...it was 12 noon. In the afternoon, Magic Vinny came and did an awesome program along with Pastor Dave's puppets. At night, we made the children's area at Abundant Life look like an airplane and did a program called "The Trip around the World" complete with airplane sound effects. Anna Arcangeli came along with her sister Nancy and helped us by hosting the country of Italy while Jacob hosted the country of India. These kids experienced a great day of ministry...one they will never forget

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


For our 15th year, a group of 10 students from our ministry traveled by bus (which was crowded) to Ocean Grove, NJ to minister at their Beach Pavilion. Our team "Beat the Heat" by doing 2 puppet songs "Walk like a Christian" and "Salvation Rap" as well as a new drama "Sin in a Box." Although it was a long day of travel, it was worth every mile. We received great feedback from all who were there

Friday, May 25, 2012


A team of seven students and 3 leaders all traveled to Babylon Christian School in Babylon, NY to lead a chapel service for their students. Babylon Christian is a Christian school that was founded by the First Presbyterian Church o Babylon. Unfortunately due to the economy, the school will be closing it's doors in late June. Our team dod a great job ministering by way of drama, puppets and music while I (Pastor Dave) brought out Shelton the Shark and Grandpa Lou along with teacheings with the Cereal boxes, the Noah bag and the re-apperaing ladder. Jacob was so awesome leading the kids in the Fun songs "God's Not Dead" and "Get down." It was a great way to start our abbreviated 2012 season which will run from May to August 2012. In September we will e launching a NEW LOOK Kids in Missions

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Questions....but God is in control!

Today is March 29, 2012. Normally at this time, our Kids in Missions ministry would be meeting on Sunday mornings during the Sunday school hour training in the area of missions, as well as rehearsing this year for new dramas. However, this year I personally have been seeking the Lord and asking Him what we need to do for 2012. We will be going to Nebraska for a 1 week mission trip, but we are looking to see what we can do to impact Long Island and be used by our Lord. With all that said, there are many questions we have for what needs to happen this year. We will be meeting on April 15th to figure out what that is. Stay tuned!!